The pilot of Scotland’s new FinTech Skills Academy, which was announced in September 2018, has been hailed as a great success as the first class (Introduction to the Retail Card Payments Business) concluded earlier this year. The class, which was jointly-run by Dunfermline payment specialist Renovite Technologies and Fife College, is part of a syllabus that is aimed at young people about to enter the workforce for the first time and adults with a background in IT wishing to upskill or retrain specifically for employment in FinTech environments. Participants to this first class ranged from trainees to seasoned software developers.
The FinTech Skills Academy is being driven by a consortium of international FinTech companies, the Fife City Council, Fife College and FinTech Scotland with the overarching goals (1) providing a steady flow of highly-qualified persons for the growing number of specialist FinTech roles and (2) avoiding any skill gap developing in the country.