Digitization and Cashlessness: 2 Financial Market Inevitabilities

While market dynamics and financial infrastructure vary greatly by country and region, it is clear that changes across financial markets have 2 commonalities: digitization and cashlessness. Both of these inevitabilities are welcomed by most as ways to bank the unbanked, give greater opportunities for businesses, increase cross-border trade and improve government oversight. But what are the main driving influences on this journey to grow our financial ecosystems? The answer: the integration and standardization of financial infrastructures as well as the advancement (in terms of availability and popularity) of new digital services such as QR code-based digital payments. This growth has put us on a path toward unified and integrated financial offerings that are available to all on a countrywide, regionwide and even worldwide level.

To discover more about this journey toward digitization and cashlessness, check out this white paper published by Finextra, in association with HPS.