e-KYC can solve compliance-related challenges

For most financial institutions, the core of what takes onboarding so long is the collection, validation and processing of consumer data and documentation as part of an effort to ensure they conform to know-your-customer (KYC) regulations. This makes for an unnecessarily-long onboarding process, delayed time-to-revenue and high abandonment rates. To solve these challenges and become more digital, streamlined and cost-effective, financial service providers are examining the potential of electronic know-your-customer (e-KYC) utilities. But in reality, they should do more than just examine as e-KYC utilities have already proven themselves capable of improving the consumer experience, especially in terms of reducing onboarding times and delivering value-added services. They do this by providing digital and fully-packaged access to up-to-date KYC data. In short, it’s time for financial institutions to move beyond “examining” and into “implementing” e-KYC processes.