Tinkoff-Yandex merger: benefits for both

A proposed merger between Yandex and Tinkoff is being heralded by many as a move that will greatly benefit both sides. For Tinkoff, they will gain access to an expanded customer base, and Yandex will benefit from the ability to integrate credit and financial services into its vast digital ecosystem. 

Currently, Yandex, the largest internet company in Russia, is in a partnership with Sberbank; however, there are reports that the partnership is not a happy one. It should be noted that there have been no known official talks of a merger between the two or how such a merger would work, but the most likely scenario is that Yandex would purchase part of Tinkoff’s stake in TCS Group. Should such a merger eventually happen, it will be interesting to see what Tinkoff, a relatively small bank with about 10 million customers, is able to do with access to the more-than 60 million Yandex users.